Vista Green Business Network (GBN)

The City of Vista recently launched their own Vista Green Business Network (GBN)! Through this program, Vista is working to expand their community of businesses who are committed to sustainability and the environment. The Vista GBN provides businesses with FREE individualized consultations to help achieve their Green Business Certification. With multiple certification levels, this program aims to meet businesses where they are and expand upon their sustainability practices. 


In partnership with the U.S. Green Building Council California Chapter (USGBC-CA), specialized consultants help you through the entire certification process. This certification is available for over 10 types of businesses, such as restaurants, offices, salons, and more. In alignment with Vista's Climate Action Plan, the Vista GBN promotes collective action between businesses and consumers to achieve sustainability and improve public health. By joining the network, businesses can save money on bills, gain recognition as an environmental leader in the community, and gain access to a network of like-minded businesses. Learn more about the program here and start on your certification today and complete the Sustainability Suvey here to provide your feedback.


City of Vista Contact  

(760) 726-1340


US Green Building Council (USGBC-CA) Contact